A Sketching Tour, 1849

I recently obtained a book containing 75 sketches, comrpising a tour of part of Scotland in 1849. The artist goes no further north than Fort William, but he or she follows a route that many tourists would have taken in the mid-1800s, and I thought it worth adding to the website. The artwork is very good, but the artist remains anonymous. One suggestion is John Ewbank, but he died in 1847. Another contender suggested is William Callow, who did undertake a sketching tour in the west of Scotland in 1849.

The route taken was north from Glasgow to Dumbarton and Loch Lomond, then on to Loch Katrine. The party then headed wets taking in Loch Long and Loch Fyne, and Inveraray, and on to Oban. They then turned north to Ballachulish, taking in Glencoe and on to Fort William. Heading south-east, they reached Dalmally, and followed Loch Lochy, then Loch Erne and on up to Taymouth. They then continued north to Tummel Bridge and Killiecrankie, before returning south to Dunkeld, and on to the vicinity of Dunning where the sketches end. The trip started on the 9th August, and by the 17th they were at Dunkeld, which suggests there was no dawdling along the way!

I have set the images up as a slide show. As always, some may appear cropped, in which case click on the image and you should see the whole area displayed. You can then proceed manually if you prefer.

On Clyde, Aug. 1849
Dumbarton Castle
Dumbarton Castle.
Loch Lomond from Mt Misery(?) Aug. 9th
Balloch Castle, Loch Lomond. Aug. 9th 1849.
Ben Lomond
Loch Lomond
Inversnaid. Aug.10th.
Loch Lomond from Inversnaid Mill
Inch Murrin, on Loch Lomond.
Loch Lomond nr. Tarbet
From Inversnaid to Loch Katrine
Loch Katrine from Inversnaid Road.
Loch Katrine, Aug. 11th.
Loch Katrine
Ellen's Isle, L. Katrine, Aug.11th.
Loch Long
Head of Loch Long.
Loch Long
Loch Fine.
Inverary Castle.
Loch Fine.
Dunolly Castle, nr. Oban.
Connel Ferry Inn.
Nr. Oban.
Loch Etive(?)
Loch Etive
Loch Etive.
Nr. Port Appin.
Downie of Appin
Slate Quarries, Seil Island.
Nr. Ballachulish
From Ballachulish.
Entrance to Glencoe.
Head of Glencoe.
Entrance to L. Levin.
Glenhinglass, Castle Dundaronine(?)
Castle Stalker.
Slate Quarry, Loch Leven.
Approach to F. William.
Ben Nevis from Fort William.
Ben Cruachan from Dalmally.
Ben Etive from Dalmally.
Glen Loch
Dunstaffnage Castle.
From Inn at Head of Loch Erne, Aug. 13.
Ld. Breadalbane's, Taymouth. Aug. 14th.
Aug. 15th, Garth Castle.
Tummel Bridge. Aug. 15.
Bridge near Bruar(?) Falls, Aug 15th.
Nr. Blair Athol, Aug.15.
Killicrankie, Aug 16.
Kenmore from Achern
Dunkeld, Aug. 17th.
Nr. Captain Hunter's Perthshire Castle 1851(?)
Dunernt Park
At Dunning.
Dunning, from Dunernt.