7. Apr, 2022

Scottish Sketches

I have added two pages of Scottish sketches this week, celebrating the talents of amateur artists. I seek out such work, no matter how humble it is, believing them to be as important as the vintage postcards that are collected so keenly today. Art was a serious business for the educated Victorian, with the Queen herself leading the way. I do not pretend that these are masterpieces, but think it is worth adding them to the website hoping some of them might be of interest.

I returned the final, final proofs of my book, The Immeasurable Wilds, this week to Whittles, so the manuscript should be off to the printers at any time. It has been a long haul, but I am allowing myself to be rather excited at the prospect of holding the finished article in my hands. Thank you to all who intend to purchase it, and have waited patiently for its publication.